EU Legends

Mike “Hard Step – Go Go” Taylor

When the word went out on Monday, March 24, 2024, that Hard Step Go-Go Mike Taylor passed, there was a collective breath holding on social media. Washington, DC had lost another true go-go legend, Mike was everyone’s favorite. He was known for his energetic performances, he put everything into each show. It could be 10 people in the audience, or it could be 10,000, he gave the same enthusiastic performance each show.

When Mike first joined EU, his presence was instant. EU needed to get a littler younger, so that the band could connect to the now audience, well Mike made that possible. Mike’s impact on go-go legacy is without peer. He was a dedicated musician who took his trombone playing seriously. His energy was the spark that lit the go-go flame. Mike was not only a great musician, but he was also a friend to all. The remarks that came in after his passing, all had one thing in common, which was he was a good person. Remark after remark, talked about how he helped, encouraged, and befriended all. He was like family to many, because he cared and showed genuine love and admiration for so many.

Although he is best known for hitting the stage with EU, he has also played with other bands in the DMV. Through the years he played with the following: Black Love, Little Benny & The Masters, Familiar Faces, Let It Flow, H.O.R.U. and finally The Blacc Print Experience Band. He always kept it 100 and spread love in whatever band he played with. The brass sections of go-go bands are indeed legendary, and CJ, Mike and Too Tall Steve set a standard that is sure to please! However, we know that the horns in the heavens will be blasting big time and that Mike “Go-Go – Hard Step” Taylor, will make certain that the Crank will play and last forever!

Valentino “Tino” Jackson

If Sugar Bear is the voice and leader of EU, then Tino was the soul. When it came to a rhythm section, it was hard to find one that channels the energy, the grit, and the sheer electricity as Sugar Bear and Tino. For years, they have electrified audiences from around the world. In a Washington Post interview, Sugar Bear says the following, “Tino was my Jimi Hendrix, I never got the see Jimi Hendrix live, but when I incorporated Tino into Experience Unlimited, he had that rock style and that edge.”

For years EU has garnered the reputation as the rock band of go-go. However, if that is true, then Tino is our Jimi Hendrix. Tino notes were heart stopping, and at the same time heartwarming. The feeling that he played with was sensational. Hearing Tino play the Star Sprangled Banner was certainly an offspring of the Hendrix version. Tino played the song in a manner that touched the audience making them feel the song, and at the same time realizes the sacrifices our families paid to this country.

For over 30 years Tino was the soul and the funk of EU. His mastery of the guitar is only one of his talents, Tino could also play the bass guitar and he added his vocals to various EU recordings. Tino set the standard for go-go guitar players, his sound will last forever! We all know that Tino could have latched onto and played with some of the more notable groups around the country, but he decided to stay in the DMV. His decision to stay here was indeed a blessing to us all! Rest in Power Tino!

Phillip Harris

Phillip was a member of the first horn section for Experience Unlimited. A trumpet player, who admired Miles Davis and Freddie Hubbard. Phillip’s solos always added a splash of progressive runs to highlight his energy.

David Williams

David was the timbale player for EU and provided the group with a Latin feel, that made it difficult to remain in your seat. David commitment to EU was above and beyond. He managed EU’s House of Peace, drove the equipment truck and helped to keep members relaxed, with his sense of humor.

Melvin “Butch” Lewis

Butch was dubbed EU’s backbone, because of his mighty foot. Butch supplied a funky beat, with a consistent drive. He was EU’s first drummer who played the go-go beat. He was heavily influenced by Billy Cobham and Lenny White. Butch was a true gentleman.

Ivan Goff

Ivan a very talented writer and keyboard player. His compositions where so important for the develop of EU repertoire. His underestimated persona, was a great disguise for his musical passion.

Kent Wood

Kent’s keyboard playing brought a sophistication to the band that created the EU mystique. Kent was central element during the years of “Da Butt” as the group toured the United States.

Ba-Bro Easton

Ba-Bro was a member of EU’s first technical crew. He set up the equipment, made certain that repairs were done and more importantly, ensured that the band played on time.

Michael Hughes

Out of Sight Mike, as he was known to go-go fans. Mike was very talented, both as a keyboard player and writer. Upon leaving EU, he helps to found AM/FM. Which became a national success, in opening for Prince. Mike later opened a recording studio and provided sound engineering to the best bands in the DMV.

Marvin “Nivram” Coward

A true renaissance man of EU. Nivram supervised the equipment crew, took photos, drove the truck and provided vocals during recordings. His smiling face was always a welcome with the band and fans.

Gerard Butler

Gerard has the hard job of replacing Donald Fields, as the guitar player. Why, because Donald provided the rock edge for EU, which made the sound unique. This was not a big deal for Gerard, because his playing fit right in. He also left the band the form AM/FM.

Cornel Strayhorne

Cornel was technical guru. He worked with Nivram and Ba-Bro to make certain that EU reached the hall on time.

Ricky “Sugar Foot” Wellman

without a doubt, Sugar Foot’s playing days with EU helped to propel the band to super star heights. Sugar Foot was hands down the best drummer in go-go and in the Washington, DC area. His precision was unmatched and allowed the band to groove. He also played with Chuck Brown and later with Miles Davis.

Ted Hopkins

words are insufficient to acknowledge all that Ted achieved for EU. As manager during Da Butt tour, Ted took EU to another level of success in the music business. Ted also worked with Trouble Funk and managed the Club LeBaron, which was one of go-go early clubs.
Peter Dean – The ultimate hype man. Peter believed in EU and worked tirelessly to ensure their
success. He was the road manager for EU during the Da Butt era. He took the band from coast
to coast. Peter was an extremely hard, diligent worker, who loved EU!

John Blake

John’s accomplishments for EU are enormous. He helped to negotiate the rental of EU’s House of Peace, which was an outstanding achievement for the band. His administrative skills helped EU to established business practices that would help the bottom line.

Big Al

During the days of EU’s popularity it because necessary for the band to have security, just to maintain a sense of calm for the band, Big Al was the man, he loved EU and made certain
that they were free to create their music.

Peter Dean

Peter Dean was a Springfield, Massachusetts native who attended a show at the Howard Theater and fell in love with Washington, DC. So, with the swagger of a top car salesman, Peter relocated to DC and immediately tapped into the entertainment business. Peter was known and credited with reviving the comedy business for Black comedians in DC. He worked hard to establish comedians such as Chris Thomas and opened opportunities for others. Along the way, Peter switched gears and began working with EU. Upon the release of the DA Butt, Peter worked as the band’s Road Manager. This, however, was not his only responsibility, because he handled public relations, stage production and bookings for the band. Peter’s role for the band was indispensable.

Dr. William Benjamin

Some will say that Ben was the best sound man in DC. Now that is significant because Ben was also a medical doctor. Dr. Ben as he was known on the go-go circuit, figured out how to provide go-go band with the sound that would make them the envy of all. A very interesting fact is that Dr. Ben was able to finish med school, because of the resources he earned working for bands.

Timothy “Shorty Tim” Glover

Timothy “Shorty Tim” Glover was a legendary go-go percussionist, without peer. He came to Experience Unlimited (EU) from The Mighty Peacemakers and immediately created a buzz with his presence. He was EU’s first roto-tom player and he made it known, what we had been missing, prior to joining the band. Shorty Tim was not only a great percussionist, but he was also a very good showman, the audience loved his flair on stage and his unique voice, which was much larger than him. Shorty Tim loved to perform, and we all benefited from his energy, smiles and just his sheer talent for making the music sound better!